What is this webiste?

Here, you will (hopefully) find all of the answers that you have for why this website exists. After reading this, if you still can't fathom why this website exists or why it is the way it is, please feel free to contact me or open up an issue on this website's github to express your dissatisfaction.

"Oh god, what dark corner of the internet did I stumble upon?"

That is what you are probably asking yourself right now. Don't worry! You are just in the place where all of my brain's runoff is dumped! Hmm... on second thought, you should be very worried.

"Alright, I'm shivering in my boots... but what's on this website?"

Just like it was mentioned previously... all of my brain's runoff. This could be experiments to optimize my life, cool things I find about a certain programming language, or just me ranting about life. The occasional pun may pop out here or there as well. This website isn't catered to a specific demographic, but is rather a running record of the things I do, in case they come in handy later. But why is this written as if I'm talking to others? Well, I need practice writing... totally.

Totally... I'm definetly not talking to the voices in my head... Shut up, Billy!

"Sure... but why does this website look like shit?"

Hey bud, listen up. I've worked as a front-end designer, and if you want to see what I can to do make things pretty, feel free to look at my resume (shameless plug - my resume is available here) Instead of getting into an argument about functionality vs. aesthetic (which I'll probably end up writing about anyways), I would like to ask you a series of boolean questions:

At the end of the day, this is just another website that everybody on the interwebs (including those 2 people in the world with IE6) can use easily.

With that being said, I may end up wanting to do some JavaScript experiemnts in the future. So, if you see any fancy animations, search functionality, or some wierd ML business, please be 100% certain that it is me trying out something new, not me putting aesthetics before functionality.